Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ronald McDonald

The CSPI, or Center for Science in the Public Interest, states that "the use of toys is deceptive advertising practices and encourages children to eat unhealthy foods." I agree with this because I believe McDonald's aims a lot of their promotions and commercials at the younger community. The use of a character like Ronald McDonald attracts young kids like no other, but if you include a toy in that meal then you will really have a flood of children. I believe it's wrong for McDonald's to do business and advertise the way they have been over the years.

Ten Moon Facts

1. When the moon was first formed it was more than 14,000 miles away from Earth. It is now more than 280,000 miles away.
2. Ocean tides are created by the moon's gravity pull.
3. The Earth and Moon are a double planet system.
4. The moon is shaped like an egg.
5. The moon's craters were created by space rocks.
6. The moon always shows the same face.
7. The moon is not a planet, its Earths satellite.
8. It is possible to have a month without a full moon.
9. The moon rotates at 10 miles per hour.
10. The moon has no magnetic field.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Save Pit Bulls

A cause that's important to me is saving pit bull's and educating people about the true nature of the American Pit Bull Terrier. A lot of people aren't educated about these dog's, and automatically assume as they've heard that they are mean dog's and serve no purpose. As a matter of fact, these dog's can be the sweetest dog's ever if treated right, just like any other dog. They make great family dog's because of their love for their owners. They make great law enforcement dog's because of their agility and strong noses. Pit's can also make great certified therapy dog's for hospitals and old people's homes. For more information visit:

Woody and Buzz

I haven't seen Toy Story in I don't know how many years, and I've only seen the first one. From what I remember, Woody was one of the OG toys and when Buzz came along he became jealous and tried getting rid of Buzz. Then the kid that owned them was moving from his home and Buzz and Woody got lost along the way. From there they had to work together to try and find their owner before it was too late. As a kid I enjoyed that movie and I think it has a good plot. The previews for Toy Story 3 look pretty good and I might actually go see it.

Book Review - On the Road by Jack Kerouac

This book follows Sal Paradise, a young writer, and Dean Moriarty, a crazy youth racing around America. They take a journey across America to test the limits of the American Dream. In searching for their personal freedom, they find pleasure in sex, drugs, and jazz. This book is based on the Beat Generation who had just one ideology: life.

Childhood Hero

When I was little, Superman was my hero. I thought it was awesome that he could fly and was super strong. His only weakness was kryptonite and he’d rarely run into it. When he did, either way he would over come his enemies and come out on top. No matter what Superman never failed and that’s what I admired most about him.

Health - World Cup referees

World Cup soccer referees job’s are more physicially demanding than the actual athletes. They run an average of 12 miles per game, 5 more than the players, according to data from the U.S. Soccer Federation. The World Cup is every four years. 32 countries compete for a month to be named the best soccer team in the world. Becoming a referee is physically demanding. The referees have rigourous fitness requirements that have been set by FIFA, the governing body that oversees the tournament. Since most World Cup referees hold a day job, they have to find their own time to train. The first test is speed. Each referee runs 40 meters six times and each of the six sprints must be completed in 6.2 seconds. They are allowed 1 minute and 30 seconds between each sprint. The second test is stamina. The referees must run 150 meters in 30 seconds, then walk 50 meters in 35 seconds. They do this 20 times which is equal to 10 laps around a track field. Referees also meet with sports psychologists to help them cope with the pressures of training and refereeing.